About Openbox - the winner of it all (I really hope i don't have to write anything more about this)
So. I thought i liked Cinnamon better than dash. Apparently i was wrong. Cinnamon was also very slow.
Anyway. I tested Openbox for performance. I noticed that there was nothing. (No panels no way to start up programs) And i realized that i liked it. I always uses gnome-do to start programs, guake to do terminal stuff, and some random method to see which programs are open. For the latest problem i found that docky was the right solution. And then with autohide i didn't have to see anything of it when i do not use it. The best of all: It is fast. Very fast compared to gnome, or Cinnamon (maybe cinnamon is using gnome, i don't know).
Worth noting is that you need xcompmgr to enable compositing.
I noticed that you need to make your own ~/.config/openbox/autostart.sh script. Here is mine
#För att starta effekter
xcompmgr -cfF -t-9 -l-11 -r9 -o.95 -D6 &
#För att knappar och sånt ska se ut som ambiance
gnome-settings-daemon &
#För att byta plats på copslock och escape
setxkbmap -option caps:escape &
gnome-panel &
And then you need the programs installed. To install them run this in your terminal
sudo apt-get install gnome-do xcompmgr gnome-panel docky guake
Now i hope this is the last time i ever have to write anything about my desktop configuration... Please write a comment if you have any thoughts about improving performance or usability.
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